Kamis, 28 November 2013


A man had a parrot. It was a very beautiful bird and every day the man talked to it. “Pretty Polly” he said “you are pretty Polly”. “Pretty Polly” the parrot said “you are pretty Polly”. Every day the man spoke new word to the parrot. “Hello” he said and “good bye”.
One day the parrot was not in its cage. It was flying about the room. The man came into the room and saw the parrot. “What are you doing “he said. “What are you doing “the parrot said. The man laughed. Then he went out to visit his friends.
That evening a thief came to the house. He walked round the house and looked into the window. There was no one at home.
The thief broke open the house and entered the house. First he went into the sitting room. In the sitting room he found some books and papers. He put them into a bag. Then he went into the bedroom. In the bedroom he found a gold watch and some money. He put these into the bag too. He stole many things from the house and put them into his bag.
The bag was soon full. The thief put it over his shoulder and walked to the door. He opened the door and looked out. There was no one there. “What are you doing “a voice said. The thief jumped high into the air and dropped his bag. The he ran out of the house and down the road. “What are you doing “the voice said again. “Pretty Polly, hallo, goodbye, what are you doing?”

1.     Choose the correct answer. Write only A, B, C, D, for each answer.
1)     To whom that the parrot belong?
a.      Pretty Polly
b.     A man
c.      A thief
d.     A beautiful bird
2)     What did the parrot do one day?
a.      Saw the man’s friends
b.     Refuse to talked
c.      Taught the man some words
d.     Flew about the room
3)     Whom did the man visit?
a.      His friends
b.     A thief
c.      No one
d.     A funny man
4)     What did the thief try to steel in the bedroom?
a.      The gold watch and some money
b.     The Parrot
c.      The key to the door
d.     Some books and papers
5)     Whom did the thief hear?
a.      A policeman
b.     The owner of the house
c.      A parrot
d.     The owner’s friends
6)     Why did the thief run out of the house?
a.      Someone saw him
b.     He made  a  loud noise
c.      He heard a policeman
d.     The parrot frightened him
2.     True or false! Write T for each true statement and F for each false statement.
a.      The parrot quickly learnt new words
b.     The parrot often flew about the room
c.      The thief entered the room through the window
d.     The thief went into the bedroom first
e.      He stole some silver books and papers from the sitting room
f.       The thief left his bag in the house

3.     Fill the blank
a.      I ... visit my uncle last night and had a long talk with him.
b.     The teacher ... the classroom and the students stood up.
c.      The careless servant ... the book.
d.     I left my pen on my desk but it is not here now. Someone ... it.
e.      Ali and Amat are ... to a film tonight.
Drop, Steal, Go, Enter, Visit

4.     Find the word in the text above! Paragraph and line.
a.      Parrot
b.     Jumped
c.      Cage
d.     Dropped
e.      Gold watch
f.       Ran out
g.      Laughed 

5.     Retell the story above!

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