Kamis, 28 November 2013

UNIT 5, Getting Ideas in Writing

Getting Ideas in Writing

Ideas come from lots of places, but the one place they never, ever come from is a sheet of blank paper. Blank paper will never lead to anything better than more blank paper. That’s why, if I had any rules for writing (which I don’t), my first and last rule would be: Anything is better than a blank page. Getting ideas isn’t usually a matter of having one giant brainstorm. More often, it’s a matter of gradually accumulating a little idea here, another little idea there. Eventually they all add up. Here are four foolproof ways to get some words down on that blank.
Making a list (or ‘brainstorming’ or ‘think-tanking’) is the best way I know to get started with a piece of writing. Your mind can flit around the topic quickly. You don’t have to write a list in sentences, so you don’t get bogged down trying to think of the right words. You can just write anything that comes to mind.
Making a cluster diagram is really just another kind of list, but one that develops into little clusters of like-minded ideas. If yours is one of those brains that work best visually, a cluster diagram might be a user-friendly way to start writing.
Researching or independent investigation means finding some information to use in your writing. The obvious place to do research is in books, but you can also do it on the Net, from videos and by gathering your own information first-hand (doing interviews, conducting experiments, etc.).
Freewriting (or ‘speedwriting’ or ‘free-associating’) just means non-stop talking onto the page. Because you can’t stop to think, your unconscious gets to have a go.

1.     Answer the questions!
1)     What’s the topic of the text?
2)     What’s the main idea from the text above?
3)     Mention some supporting details from the text?
4)     What do the following words refer to?
a.      “i” paragraph 1 line 3 refer to...
b.      “you” paragraph 2 line 3 refer to...
c.      “it” paragraph 4 line 3 refer to...

2.     True or false! Write T for each true statement and F for each false statement.
a.       Ideas come from one place.
b.     Blank paper will never lead to anything better
c.      Making a list is the best way to get started of writing
d.     There are four foolproof ways to get some words down on that blank.
e.      Researching or independent investigation means non-stop talking onto the page

3.     Fill the blank
a.      Electronic information system will ... the using of papers.
b.     The teacher perhaps that the students... in the class room.
c.      The ability of the students will be ... by using teaching aid.
d.     The lectures have to make a learning ....
e.      The ability of the students in listening and speaking ... one another.
Integrate, design, Improve, active , decrease.
4.     Find the word in the text above and find the opposite!

5.     Retell the story above!

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